The center of Rio de Janeiro is a special place, special cares, colours, sounds, smells. Special can be bad too. In a lack-of-dignity place, where the public hand is tired to even try, social movement flourish. Gastromotiva with the hands of the Social Gastronomy Movement engaged public and sponsors to create a canteen and make better days on the living of many. The space dignifies this daily activity. In the begging of 2019 we Reurbanic were invited to co-create a garden, after seminars on nutrition education, reevaluation and consumption of food, waste production and the search for reconnection with nature. The garden is based on needs and wishes from the kitchen workers, on the seminars done in Gastromotiva to nutrition education and eatable plants and with the purpose of making a great space with earned value on more cooperation and hands-on. The project was finally presented in July 2019 and is waiting for execution phase.
Be'er Sova
Population density, ethnic density and segregation define cities. Urban ecosystems differ strongly from natural ones and highlight the necessity to develop specific approaches.
Anchoring social manners through ecological and cultural programs to help represent and promote both social space and values; understand social actors and connections and activate social strengths – like by questioning who mackes the city instead of who owns it – will raise the awareness oft he very simple and fundamental principles of human togetherness like respect, dignity or simply helpfulness. The complexity can only be managed with the plurarity of views.
Instead of a mix of incomes, age groups and land uses, the Old Town of Be’er Sheva is being overrun by a social segregation with rising prices, vacancies and municipality’s negligence. The NGO Be’er Sova is in the pedestrian zone and makes about 200 meals daily from sponsored goods for those who can’t afford it. Though its social potential, Be’er Sova is a hidden place, where costumers are used not to be seen. This triggers not only spacial but social challenges. The building is the organisation of space in space, it reflects the lost of vivacity of its pedestrian corner and needs to change in order to keep its space in this changing environment.
The development of social environments reconnecting people to organic food and production is what we as Reurbanic propose. Along the Social Gastronomy Movement, with the non waste of food and nutrition security targets, we focus on engagement of communities supported by food production activities for new forms of action, redefinition of food values and cultivation of organisms, networks, people and communities.
Strengthnen Be’er Sova’s potential on valuing food along with diffenrent uses is the base to stablish ist image before the community towards a permanent sustainability. In this complex construct the planning process evolves.
The overlap of the different personal and professional backgrounds from the different stakeholders (administration board, staff, users, citizens) help the project’s path by cutting off pattern edges and leaving it raw. Food as catalyst, finding leaders, create ownership, the different ethnicities and flat hierarchy became key points to how to incorporate the target public on the process and gather local partners.
The connection from Be’er Sova to the neighbourhood solidifies a group before the municipality and collaborate for further support and investments.
The challenge of breaking the regular project's production process; the challenge to explicit the scope and complexity of what it really is to conceive a project; and the challenge of directly connect all dots (between social environment, Old Town, Be'er Sova, Reurbanic, the project itself and networking) from where the project emerges, gives a new awareness of the process: from research up to the self-sufficiency.
The role of the planner - knowing design precepts, shapes, spaces and city functions - becomes open whereas it connects different fronts, avoiding fractures through a tapestry, where the space thought as a palimpsest keeps allowing new readings and approaches.
Co-creation spaces socialize while it alows interactions on building, on use and on changing. A good project will remain as the good idea so incorporated to its users that it frees them.
About us
Camila Préve, arquiteta e urbanista e co-fundadora da DOP. Tem estudos em Arquitetura e Urbanismo-UFSC, em Artes Plásticas-UDESC e Pós Graduação em Project Management pela
Bauhaus. Atua no Graft Architects e dá aulas na Berlin International University of Applied Sciences nos cursos de Interior Design e Arquitetura. Entre 2010 e 2014 trabalhou com base em Berlim, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Manaus com projetos para Copa do Mundo 2014 e
Olimpíadas Rio 2016. Foi responsável em projetos arquitetônicos na Alemanha, França, Líbano, Suíça e Arábia Saudita. Nos últimos anos trabalhou também com projetos urbanísticos em
Mallorca e Heidelberg em colaboração com o Metris Architects.
Cofundadora da Devolverde, Carolina Moreira é advogada, mestre em Direito Internacional e Negociação pela King´s College London. Após 10 anos de atuação em escritórios de advocacia no Rio de Janeiro, passou a se dedicar ao estudo da implantação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU em comunidades e na Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos na UMAPAZ – Universidade Aberta do Meio Ambiente e Cultura de Paz de São Paulo. Atualmente cursa Especialização em Educação e Design para Sustentabilidade e Cultura Regenerativa pelo Gaia Education. Em 2018, fundou junto com a Isabel a Devolverde.
Gustavo Préve, designer e co-fundador da DOP. Tem estudos em Design Industrial e Gestão Portuária, e desde 2012 dedica-se à criação de projetos a baixo custo através de usos criativos de materiais não convencionais, desde objetos à prédios de apartamentos e espaços públicos. Entre 2014 e 2018 gerenciou empresas de eventos e publicidade com base em Balneário Camboriúcomo Mega Model Camboriú e Diamond Brazil. Dentre seus trabalhos está o projeto Brilhos de Natal 2018, como responsável pela concepção artística da decoração de natal da cidade de Balneário Camboriú.
Cofundadora da Devolverde, Isabel é bióloga marinha, co-fundadora da Devolverde, apaixonada por regiões desérticas. Mestra em aquacultura e PHD em biotecnologia, seu foco de pesquisa é a produção em massa de microalga e seu uso como imunoestimulante para peixes. Durante os sete anos que estudou na Ben Gurion University of the Negev- Israel, desenvolveu uma plataforma colaborativa para articular a colaboração Brasil – Israel, atuando como consultora para aproximar a academia e a iniciativa privada. Sua plataforma cria, ainda, projetos para o desenvolvimento agrícola em regiões desérticas focados na liderança das mulheres.
Who we are
The Reurbanic project started as a co-criation between Devolverde & DOP with the idea of bringing back the knowledge of plants and its growth to the urban side of cities.
The main idea and focus is to bring low-class communities to a more dignifying life thought the plantation and a healthier life with organic food to everyone.
The projects bring the engagement of the communities creating leaders and co-workers involved in each step of the process, from the seed plantation to the maintenance of the garden and the harvest.
The organic green harvest from the garden helps the kitchen of the place/institution for the preparation of food served back to the community. Besides the kitchen, the garden becomes a platform for courses and workshops, especially for children, to give them a better idea of where the food they eat comes from and teach them the special value of organic food.
In each new city where the project is studied to be implanted, something different comes up on a way that we adapt the concept; it can be regarding the climate, cultural aspects or the community surrounding the place of implementation. All these cycles and steps lead us back to the beginning: bring organic food to people.